New beginnings after a tense and difficult summer

The new school year began last week for over two million Israeli schoolchildren. In a few weeks, we will also be welcoming in a New Year in the Jewish calendar.


These new beginnings come after a stressful summer for so many of us throughout the country. It has been particularly stressful for those of us who had loved ones serving in Gaza and for Israelis living close to the border with Gaza.


I write with relief that, at least as far as I know, all the Yedidya members and children of members who served in Gaza returned home safely. And I write with pride that our community has been a valuable resource to its members during this difficult period. Yedidya and its members also provided financial and moral support beyond the community -- to IDF soldiers serving in Gaza, and to impacted residents of the South.


May we all have a peaceful month, and year, ahead.


Back to routines (more or less…)

In this context, it feels a bit strange to be writing about some of the more mundane developments in our community. But, these too, constitute important parts of our lives, and I am at least trying to return to regular activities.


Membership campaign

Our annual membership campaign is underway, with renewals moving ahead at the same pace as in previous years. We are, naturally, also on the lookout for new members, and I encourage all existing members to play a role in that outreach effort. I also want to remind everyone of our enhanced availability of funding for needs-based discounts and of our new membership category for young adults. Please feel free to be in touch with me or the office for additional details.


Kabbalat Shabbat

I am also pleased to report that the tensions which rocked our community last year around the issue of women leading Kabbalat Shabbat seem to be abating, at least somewhat. So far, we have had two Friday nights in which the community held both a woman-led Kabbalat Shabbat and a male-led Kabbalat Shabbat and they seem to have gone quite smoothly. The next pair of parallel services will be on Shabbat Parshat Noah.


Changes in key positions

The community is undergoing some important transitions in terms of key positions. There have been changes in the composition of executive committee and in the leadership of some of the key operating committee. Please join me in wishing success to the new office holders, and please note that shortly after the Chagim we will be having a special Kiddush to thank all those who have recently completed "tours of duty".


The fallen facing stones

After many months of hard work, our building maintenance committee had reached an agreement in principle with the other side about how the costs of the repair would be divided. Unfortunately, the contractor for the repair has now reneged on his original cost estimate, and the committee is exploring various alternatives.


Yedidya's committee system

As some of you may recall, at the annual general meeting, our audit committee called for greater clarity regarding the mandates, composition, and operating procedures of our many operating committees. The executive committee has decided to make this a priority for the coming year, and will be moving ahead along two key tracks. First, vaad members will be meeting with representatives of all the operating committees to hear their perspectives on how things are going and how they could be improved. Second, we are developing a concept paper about our committee system; all members are invited to take a look at the current draft (attached) and to share their comments with Simon Caplan, who is coordinating this effort.


Children and youth programming

The past few months have been a time of transition for children's and youth programming at Yedidya. We said goodbye to our youth director, Elazar Waldman and the youth committee is searching for a new youth director. The interviews are underway and the youth committee looks forward to spending a Shabbat with selected candidates in the near future. Suggestions of additional candidates are still welcome.


We have also had a changing of the guard of the parent volunteers who chair the youth committee. We thank Elyssa Moss Rabinowitz and Jenny Bayer Gamulka, the outgoing chairs, for their many years of hard work on behalf of our children and youth. We are also appreciative that Meesh Hammer Kossoy and Moriah Simon Hazani have agreed to serve as the new chairs of the youth committee.


Looking ahead

May we all have a peaceful month, and year, ahead.


Comments on this blog, and suggestions for future blogs, would be most appreciated.




Bruce Rosen